We stand at the crossroads of innovation and tradition in today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape. Creativity, as beautifully articulated by Sir Ken Robinson, is “the process of having original ideas that have value.” This powerful definition captures the essence of…
Need some makerspace inspiration? Each month, I curate a collection of links from around the world that can fuel your Makerspace endeavors. Here are the links from August 2023.
Need some makerspace inspiration? Each month, I curate a collection of links from around the world that can fuel your Makerspace endeavors.
Who doesn’t like a good quote? Quotes like the famous “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” by Mahatma Gandhi or “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” by Thomas Edison…
Regardless if you have a makerspace set up or not, you can foster the creativity skills of your students by developing projects where your students get to exercise their creative abilities while learning academic content as they make things. This…
Ensinar Design Thinking na escola pode ajudar a preparar alunos para o futuro. A despeito de com quem você conversa sobre educação, a opinião unânime é de que a escola precisa se reinventar para adequar-se às demandas do mundo atual.…
What is, in your opinion, the most important tool in your makerspace? You are far off if you think it’s the laser cutter or the 3D printer. You can probably tell by looking at the image illustrating this post so…
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